Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Quite some time has passed

Well, so it seems that my resolve to write at least once a week here has desolved. I'm not really surprised, I have a terrible memory to keep up with things. Well, so what has changed since last time? For one, I'm on medication now for depression. How depressing. In all honesty, it was probably long past due, but all's well.

So I have another new(er) job. It has a tocuh of monotony, but at least I am on a computer. Also the money is better. After years of manual labor I am really having to adjust to this office lifestyle. It's weird having to wear pants, and to not be profusely sweating. But I'm still not where I want to be. Unfortunately, I am starting to feel that nothing permanent will ever come my way. It kind of sucks, but I guess there's not too much to do. I just keep wishing and waiting.

On an all too ironic note, I am looking to move back to Greensboro. I think having sometime to regather myself and really do some self-evaluating (and medicating) that I could really handle being on my own now. The truth is, I didn't hate Greensboro, but I was severely in need of a win, and kept putting marks in the "Loss" column. But I have somethings out there that I'm enjoying. I bowl with Ben every Sunday, and it's just a lot better being there with a clear mind, sans crippling depression. It is unfortunate though that Greensboro may forever be stained with my mistakes when I think about it. But again, I'm starting to do better.

Well, I don't think there's too much more to say... for now.


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